Developer documentation


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Base class

Most of our objects inherit from tick.base.Base class. If this class does not have many public methods, it allow us to benefit from several behaviors. These behaviors are deducted from a private dictionary set by developer : _attrinfos.

Read-only attributes


The first feature is the ability to set read-only attributes. If you think end-user should not modify an attribute of your class, you can simply set writable to False (writable is True by default).

class A(Base):
    _attrinfos = {
        'readonly_attr' : {
            'writable' : False

a = A()

Then if you try to set it

>>> a.readonly_attr = 3
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: readonly_attr is readonly in A

How to set it manually?

First if you set a read-only attribute during the initialization phase (ie. in __init__ method or in a method called by it) you will not raise any error.

class A(Base):
    _attrinfos = {
        'readonly_attr' : {'writable' : False}

    def __init__(self, readonly_value):
        self.readonly_attr = readonly_value

This code snippet will work as usual.

>>> a = A(5)
>>> a.readonly_attr

But if you need to change this attribute after the initialization phase, you can force set it by using _set method.

>>> a._set('readonly_attr', 10)
>>> a.readonly_attr

Settable attributes

Base class also restricts which attributes can be set. Attributes that can be set are:

  • Attributes contained in _attrinfos dictionary

  • Attributes documented in class docstring (with numpydoc style)

  • Attributes passed as argument to __init__


When you document an attribute with numpydoc style, do not forget the space before the colon that follow its name.

Hence, if an attribute was never mentioned in your class before, trying to set it will raise an exception.

class A(Base):
    """This is an awesome class that inherits from Base

    documented_parameter : `int`
        This is a documented parameter of my class

    documented_attribute : `string`
        This is a documented attribute of my class
    _attrinfos = {
        'attr_in_attrinfos' : {}
    def __init__(self, documented_parameter, undocumented_parameter):

The following will work as expected

>>> a = A(10, 12)
>>> a.documented_parameter = 32
>>> a.documented_attribute = 'bananas'
>>> a.undocumented_parameter = 'are too many'
>>> a.documented_parameter, a.documented_attribute, a.undocumented_parameter
(32, 'bananas', 'are too many')

But this raises an error

>>> a = A(10, 12)
>>> a.unexisting_attr = 25
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'A' object has no settable attribute 'unexisting_attr'

How does this work?

This class behavior is obtained thanks to Python metaclasses. A metaclass is the object that is called to create the class object itself. For example, it allow us to automatize property creation. For more information, please report to Python documentation.

What we do is creating a property for each attribute. This property is linked to a hidden attribute, stored with the same name of the property with a double underscore before

If we create the following class A:

class A(Base):
    def __init__(self, attr):
        self.attr = attr

We have access to the property attr and its linked attribute __attr:

>>> a = A(15)
>>> a.attr, a.__attr
(15, 15)

Two good practises to avoid unexpected behaviors:

  • Do not define an attribute that starts with a double underscore

  • Add property documentation in class docstring instead of property getter

How to add a new model, solver or prox

Many of our models, prox and solvers are Python classes that wraps a C++ class which handles the heavy computations. This allows us to have a code that runs fast.

Let’s see what we should do if we want to add prox L2. Adding a model or a solver is basically identical.

Create C++ class

First we need to create the C++ class that will be wrapped by our Python class later. We want our prox to be able to give the value of the penalization at a given point and call the proximal operator on a given vector.

Here is what our .h file should look like

class ProxL2Sq {

    double strength;

    ProxL2Sq(double strength);
    double value(ArrayDouble &coeffs) const;
    void call(ArrayDouble &coeffs, double step, ArrayDouble &out) const;
    inline void set_strength(double strength){
        this->strength = strength;

Basically we have one constructor that set the only one parameter strength (usually denoted by lambda), and the two methods we described above.

Our .cpp implementation looks like:

#include "prox_l2sq.h"

ProxL2Sq::ProxL2Sq(double strength) {
    this->strength = strength;

double ProxL2Sq::value(ArrayDouble &coeffs) const {
    return 0.5 * coeffs.normsq();

void ProxL2Sq::call(ArrayDouble &coeffs, double step, ArrayDouble &out) const {
    for (unsigned long i; i < coeffs.size; ++i)
        out[i] = coeffs[i] / (1 + step * strength);

In tick these files are stored in the lib/cpp and lib/include folders

Use class in Python

Now that our C++ class is linked with Python we can import it and use its methods that we have declared in the .i file.

In tick we always wrap C++ classes in a Python class that will call C++ object methods when it needs to perform the computations. Hence here is the Python class we might create:

import numpy as np
from .build.prox import ProxL2Sq as _ProxL2sq

class ProxL2Sq:
    _attrinfos = {
        "strength": {
            "cpp_setter": "set_strength"
    _cpp_obj_name = "_prox"

    def __init__(self, strength: float):
        self._prox = _ProxL2sq(strength)
        self.strength = strength

    def value(self, coeffs: np.ndarray):
        return self._prox.value(coeffs)

You might have seen that we instantiate a dictionary called _attrinfos in the class declaration. This dictionary is useful in many ways and you should refer to BaseClass. Here we use one of its functionalities: automatic set of C++ attributes. Each time strength of our prox will be modified, the set_strength method of the object stored in _prox attribute (as specified by _cpp_obj_name will be called with the new value passed as argument). This allow us to have strength values of Python and C++ that are always linked.

Enable Python-pickling of C++ objects

In some cases we need our C++-wrapped objects to be picklable by Python. For instance, if we need to use the object as part of the Python multiprocessing library, or if we want to implement some stop/resume functionality.

The way it has been done in a number of existing tick classes is by (de)serializing the object to and from string-types via the Cereal library.

In example:

#include <cereal/types/polymorphic.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/base_class.hpp>

class HawkesKernelSumExp : public HawkesKernel {

  template <class Archive>
  void serialize(Archive & ar) {
    ar(cereal::make_nvp("HawkesKernel", cereal::base_class<HawkesKernel>(this)));



We add the serialize method, and in the method body we specify which members of the class to put into the serialization archive. Note that members are wrapped with CEREAL_NVP(), which is a Cereal macro to add the value and name of a variable. The standard tick classes such as ArrayDouble can be added as archive members without additional effort (e.g. intensities and decays in the above example).

In the example above we also add the values of the base class (in this case HawkesKernel). Here we manually specify the value name with cereal::make_nvp.

This takes care of the C++-part of serialization. We add Pickle functionality directly in the SWIG interface file:

#include "hawkes.h"

%include serialization.i

class HawkesKernelSumExp : public HawkesKernel {




A convenience macro TICK_MAKE_PICKLABLE is available to add all the necessary bits to a SWIG definition in order to make it picklable in Python.

TICK_MAKE_PICKLABLE takes any number of arguments. The first being the class name of the class to be pickled. Any following arguments will be forwarded to the Python constructor of the class for initialization (used when unpickling/reconstructing an object). In the example above, no parameters are given to the constructor.

The macro adds a block of Python code with a __getstate__ method to return a serialized copy of the object, and a __setstate__ method to reconstruct the object from a string value (this is where the initialization/constructor parameters play in).

Similarly, TICK_MAKE_TEMPLATED_PICKLABLE is provided if needed to specify a type with templated parameters.

It’s important to consider the initialization of the Python object. In some cases it might be convenient to add a parameter-less C++ constructor that initializes an empty object. Otherwise existing constructors should be used.

Now that the Python class has methods to get/set the object state, the pickle module may work on the class.

Splitting serialization and deserialization methods

In some cases it’s convenient to split the serialization method into two; one for loading (deserializing) and saving (serializing) an object. For example, if an archive member needs complex initialization during loading, it may be easier to have this done in a separate method.

In Cereal, we can define load and save methods separately:

template <class Archive>
void save(Archive & ar) const {

template <class Archive>
void load(Archive & ar) {

  float temp = 0.0f;

  z = Z(temp);

See Cereal website for more details.

Serializing class hierarchies

When serializing a class that is part of a hierarchy, it’s usually sufficient to add the base class as one of the archive members, as shown in the example:

template <class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & ar) {
  ar(cereal::make_nvp("HawkesKernel", cereal::base_class<HawkesKernel>(this)));

However, if some base class in the hierarchy defines split save/load methods, and a derived class defines a single serialize method (or vice versa), it may be necessary to inform Cereal which serialization method(s) to use. Cereal provides a macro to achieve this:

// Always use the single 'serialize' method when serializing the Hawkes class
CEREAL_SPECIALIZE_FOR_ALL_ARCHIVES(Hawkes, cereal::specialization::member_serialize)

// OR

// Always use the split 'load/save' methods when serializing the Hawkes class
CEREAL_SPECIALIZE_FOR_ALL_ARCHIVES(Hawkes, cereal::specialization::member_load_save)

The macros need to be put after the definition of the classes, and in the global namespace (i.e. not in tick).

Serializing smart pointers

Serializing smart pointers such as std::shared_ptr or std::unique_ptr is supported by Cereal with a minimum of needed work.

An archive member of a smart pointer type is tagged with additional information about the actual value type when serialized. For this to happen, Cereal needs to be informed of the available derived classes of the base class that is serialized.

We do this in the following way:


With this macro in place, Cereal will be able to save and restore values with the correct polymorphic types. You can see more in the Cereal documentation on polymorphic types.

Tips for debugging C++ classes in tick

In the header file debug.h we have a number of macro definitions to aid in the development of the tick library.

Debug output

For the sake of convenience, debug.h defines TICK_DEBUG() and TICK_WARNING() to print messages to stdout or stderr respectively. They are both used as streaming interfaces:

ArrayDouble arr = f();

TICK_DEBUG() << "Printing an array to stdout: " << arr;
TICK_WARNING() << "Printing an array to stderr: " << arr;

Most types that can be inserted into std::stringstream can also be inserted into these interfaces. Notice that tick arrays can also be inserted.

Raising errors

To generate errors there is an similar macro which will raise a C++ exception to be caught by Python. The interface is almost identical to TICK_DEBUG() and TICK_WARNING() except that the input must be placed within the parenthesis:

ArrayDouble arr = f();

TICK_ERROR("A fatal error occurred because of this array: " << arr);

This will throw an exception which (if used via the Python interface) will be caught in the SWIG interface layer and raised as an error in Python.

The exception thrown can include a backtrace to the point of error. For this to happen, the compilation of the library must include the DEBUG_VERBOSE flag (see


The library is under continuous development and occasionally some internal implementations will be phased out. To ease this process the macro TICK_DEPRECATED is useful to mark variables or definition as no-longer-fit to use. Code will still compile and link, but warnings will be generated:

.../tick/deprecated.cpp: In member function ‘void f()’:
.../tick/deprecated.cpp:20:3: warning: ‘int some_method()’ is deprecated (declared at .../deprecated.cpp:10) [-Wdeprecated-declarations]