
This module gathers all the plotting utilities of tick, namely plots for a solver’s history, see 1. History plot, plots for Hawkes processes, see 2. Plots for Hawkes processes, plots for point process simulations 3. Plots for point process simulation and some other useful plots, see 4. Miscellaneous plots.

1. History plot

This plot is used to compare the efficiency of optimization algorithms implemented in tick.solver.

plot.plot_history(solvers[, x, y, labels, …])

Plot the history of convergence of learners or solvers.


import numpy as np
from tick.linear_model import ModelLogReg ,SimuLogReg
from tick.simulation import weights_sparse_gauss
from tick.solver import GD, AGD, SGD, SVRG, SDCA
from tick.prox import ProxElasticNet, ProxL1
from tick.plot import plot_history

n_samples, n_features, = 5000, 50
weights0 = weights_sparse_gauss(n_features, nnz=10)
intercept0 = 0.2
X, y = SimuLogReg(weights=weights0, intercept=intercept0,
                  n_samples=n_samples, seed=123, verbose=False).simulate()

model = ModelLogReg(fit_intercept=True).fit(X, y)
prox = ProxElasticNet(strength=1e-3, ratio=0.5, range=(0, n_features))

solver_params = {'max_iter': 100, 'tol': 0., 'verbose': False}
x0 = np.zeros(model.n_coeffs)

gd = GD(linesearch=False, **solver_params).set_model(model).set_prox(prox)
gd.solve(x0, step=1 / model.get_lip_best())

agd = AGD(linesearch=False, **solver_params).set_model(model).set_prox(prox)
agd.solve(x0, step=1 / model.get_lip_best())

sgd = SGD(**solver_params).set_model(model).set_prox(prox)
sgd.solve(x0, step=500.)

svrg = SVRG(**solver_params).set_model(model).set_prox(prox)
svrg.solve(x0, step=1 / model.get_lip_max())

plot_history([gd, agd, sgd, svrg], log_scale=True, dist_min=True)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


2. Plots for Hawkes processes

These plots are used to observe hawkes parameters obtained by hawkes learners.

plot.plot_hawkes_kernels(kernel_object[, …])

Generic function to plot Hawkes kernels.


Generic function to plot Hawkes kernel norms.

plot.plot_basis_kernels(learner[, support, …])

Function used to plot basis of kernels


from tick.plot import plot_hawkes_kernels
from tick.hawkes import SimuHawkesExpKernels, SimuHawkesMulti, HawkesExpKern
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

end_time = 1000
n_realizations = 10

decays = [[4., 1.], [2., 2.]]
baseline = [0.12, 0.07]
adjacency = [[.3, 0.], [.6, .21]]

hawkes_exp_kernels = SimuHawkesExpKernels(
    adjacency=adjacency, decays=decays, baseline=baseline,
    end_time=end_time, verbose=False, seed=1039)

multi = SimuHawkesMulti(hawkes_exp_kernels, n_simulations=n_realizations)

multi.end_time = [(i + 1) / 10 * end_time for i in range(n_realizations)]

learner = HawkesExpKern(decays, penalty='l1', C=10)

plot_hawkes_kernels(learner, hawkes=hawkes_exp_kernels)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


3. Plots for point process simulation

This plot is used to plot a point process simulation.

plot.plot_point_process(point_process[, …])

Plot point process realization


Inhomogeneous Poisson process simulation

This example show how to simulate any inhomogeneous Poisson process. Its 
intensity is modeled through `tick.base.TimeFunction`

import numpy as np
from tick.base import TimeFunction

from tick.plot import plot_point_process
from tick.hawkes import SimuInhomogeneousPoisson

run_time = 30

T = np.arange((run_time * 0.9) * 5, dtype=float) / 5
Y = np.maximum(
    15 * np.sin(T) * (np.divide(np.ones_like(T),
                                np.sqrt(T + 1) + 0.1 * T)), 0.001)

tf = TimeFunction((T, Y), dt=0.01)

# We define a 1 dimensional inhomogeneous Poisson process with the
# intensity function seen above
in_poi = SimuInhomogeneousPoisson([tf], end_time=run_time, verbose=False)

# We activate intensity tracking and launch simulation

# We plot the resulting inhomogeneous Poisson process with its
# intensity and its ticks over time

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


4. Miscellaneous plots

Some other plots are particularly useful: plots for TimeFunction <tick.base.TimeFunction>` and a plot generating several stem plots at the same time, allowing matplotlib or bokeh rendering.

plot.plot_timefunction(time_function[, …])

Quick plot of a tick.base.TimeFunction

plot.stems(ys[, titles, sync_axes, …])

Plot several stem plots using either matplotlib or bokeh rendering.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from tick.base import TimeFunction
from tick.plot import plot_timefunction

T = np.array([0, 3, 5.9, 8.001], dtype=float)
Y = np.array([2, 4.1, 1, 2], dtype=float)

tf_1 = TimeFunction((T, Y), dt=1.2)
tf_2 = TimeFunction((T, Y), border_type=TimeFunction.BorderContinue,
                    inter_mode=TimeFunction.InterConstRight, dt=0.01)
tf_3 = TimeFunction((T, Y), border_type=TimeFunction.BorderConstant,
                    inter_mode=TimeFunction.InterConstLeft, border_value=3)

time_functions = [tf_1, tf_2, tf_3]

_, ax_list = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(14, 4), sharey=True)

for tf, ax in zip(time_functions, ax_list):
    plot_timefunction(tf_1, ax=ax)
    ax.set_ylim([-0.5, 6.0])

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)
