Source code for tick.dataset.fetch_hawkes_data

# License: BSD 3 clause

from tick.dataset import fetch_tick_dataset

[docs]def fetch_hawkes_bund_data(): """Load Hawkes formatted bund data from This data is meant to be fitted with Hawkes processes. It contains for each day 4 time series representing: 1. Mid-price movement up 2. Mid-price movement down 3. Buyer initiated trades that do not move the mid-price 4. Seller initiated trades that do not move the mid-price Returns ------- output : `list` of `list` of `np.ndarray`, dim=(20, 4, _) List of 20 days of 4 timestamps data. """ dataset = 'hawkes/bund/bund.npz' return [list(timestamps) for _, timestamps in fetch_tick_dataset(dataset)]