# License: BSD 3 clause
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import svd
from tick.base_model import ModelGeneralizedLinear, ModelFirstOrder, \
from .build.linear_model import ModelQuadraticHingeDouble as _ModelModelQuadraticHingeDouble
from .build.linear_model import ModelQuadraticHingeFloat as _ModelModelQuadraticHingeFloat
__author__ = 'Stephane Gaiffas'
dtype_map = {
np.dtype('float64'): _ModelModelQuadraticHingeDouble,
np.dtype('float32'): _ModelModelQuadraticHingeFloat
[docs]class ModelQuadraticHinge(ModelFirstOrder, ModelGeneralizedLinear,
"""Quadratic hinge loss model for binary classification. This class gives
first order information (gradient and loss) for this model and can be passed
to any solver through the solver's ``set_model`` method.
Given training data :math:`(x_i, y_i) \\in \\mathbb R^d \\times \\{ -1, 1 \\}`
for :math:`i=1, \\ldots, n`, this model considers a goodness-of-fit
.. math::
f(w, b) = \\frac 1n \\sum_{i=1}^n \\ell(y_i, b + x_i^\\top w),
where :math:`w \\in \\mathbb R^d` is a vector containing the model-weights,
:math:`b \\in \\mathbb R` is the intercept (used only whenever
``fit_intercept=True``) and
:math:`\\ell : \\mathbb R^2 \\rightarrow \\mathbb R` is the loss given by
.. math::
\\ell(y, y') =
\\frac 12 (1 - y y')^2 &\\text{ if } y y' < 1 \\\\
0 &\\text{ if } y y' \\geq 1
for :math:`y \in \{ -1, 1\}` and :math:`y' \in \mathbb R`. Data is passed
to this model through the ``fit(X, y)`` method where X is the features
matrix (dense or sparse) and y is the vector of labels.
fit_intercept : `bool`
If `True`, the model uses an intercept
n_threads : `int`, default=1 (read-only)
Number of threads used for parallel computation.
* if ``int <= 0``: the number of threads available on
the CPU
* otherwise the desired number of threads
features : {`numpy.ndarray`, `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`}, shape=(n_samples, n_features)
The features matrix, either dense or sparse
labels : `numpy.ndarray`, shape=(n_samples,) (read-only)
The labels vector
n_samples : `int` (read-only)
Number of samples
n_features : `int` (read-only)
Number of features
n_coeffs : `int` (read-only)
Total number of coefficients of the model
dtype : `{'float64', 'float32'}`, default='float64'
Type of the data arrays used.
[docs] def __init__(self, fit_intercept: bool = True, n_threads: int = 1):
ModelGeneralizedLinear.__init__(self, fit_intercept)
self.n_threads = n_threads
# TODO: implement _set_data and not fit
[docs] def fit(self, features, labels):
"""Set the data into the model object
features : {`numpy.ndarray`, `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`}, shape=(n_samples, n_features)
The features matrix, either dense or sparse
labels : `numpy.ndarray`, shape=(n_samples,)
The labels vector
output : `ModelQuadraticHinge`
The current instance with given data
ModelFirstOrder.fit(self, features, labels)
ModelGeneralizedLinear.fit(self, features, labels)
ModelLipschitz.fit(self, features, labels)
self._set("_model", self._build_cpp_model(features.dtype))
return self
def _grad(self, coeffs: np.ndarray, out: np.ndarray) -> None:
self._model.grad(coeffs, out)
def _loss(self, coeffs: np.ndarray) -> float:
return self._model.loss(coeffs)
def _get_lip_best(self):
# TODO: Use sklearn.decomposition.TruncatedSVD instead?
s = svd(self.features, full_matrices=False, compute_uv=False)[0] ** 2
if self.fit_intercept:
return (s + 1) / self.n_samples
return s / self.n_samples
def _build_cpp_model(self, dtype_or_object_with_dtype):
model_class = self._get_typed_class(dtype_or_object_with_dtype,
return model_class(self.features, self.labels, self.fit_intercept,