Source code for tick.solver.saga

# License: BSD 3 clause

__author__ = "Stephane Gaiffas"

import numpy as np

from tick.base_model import ModelGeneralizedLinear
from tick.solver.base import SolverFirstOrderSto, SolverSto

from import SAGADouble as _SAGADouble
from import SAGAFloat as _SAGAFloat
dtype_class_mapper = {
    np.dtype('float32'): _SAGAFloat,
    np.dtype('float64'): _SAGADouble

from import AtomicSAGADouble as _ASAGADouble
from import AtomicSAGAFloat as _ASAGAFloat
dtype_atomic_mapper = {
    np.dtype('float32'): _ASAGAFloat,
    np.dtype('float64'): _ASAGADouble

[docs]class SAGA(SolverFirstOrderSto): """Stochastic Average Gradient solver, for the minimization of objectives of the form .. math:: \\frac 1n \\sum_{i=1}^n f_i(w) + g(w), where the functions :math:`f_i` have smooth gradients and :math:`g` is prox-capable. Note that :class:`SAGA <tick.solver.SAGA>` works only with linear models, see :ref:`linear_model` and :ref:`robust`, where all linear models are listed. Function :math:`f = \\frac 1n \\sum_{i=1}^n f_i` corresponds to the ``model.loss`` method of the model (passed with ``set_model`` to the solver) and :math:`g` corresponds to the ``prox.value`` method of the prox (passed with the ``set_prox`` method). One iteration of :class:`SAGA <tick.solver.SAGA>` corresponds to the following iteration applied ``epoch_size`` times: .. math:: \\begin{align*} w &\\gets \\mathrm{prox}_{\\eta g} \\Big(w - \\eta \\Big(\\nabla f_i(w) - \\delta_i + \\frac 1n \\sum_{i'=1}^n \\delta_{i'} \\Big) \\Big) \\\\ \\delta_i &\\gets \\nabla f_i(w) \\end{align*} where :math:`i` is sampled at random (strategy depends on ``rand_type``) at each iteration, and where :math:`\\bar w` and :math:`\\nabla f(\\bar w)` are updated at the beginning of each epoch. The step-size :math:`\\eta` can be tuned with ``step``, the seed of the random number generator for generation of samples :math:`i` can be seeded with ``seed``. The iterations stop whenever tolerance ``tol`` is achieved, or after ``max_iter`` epochs (namely ``max_iter`` :math:`\\times` ``epoch_size`` iterates). The obtained solution :math:`w` is returned by the ``solve`` method, and is also stored in the ``solution`` attribute of the solver. Internally, :class:`SAGA <tick.solver.SAGA>` has dedicated code when the model is a generalized linear model with sparse features, and a separable proximal operator: in this case, each iteration works only in the set of non-zero features, leading to much faster iterates. Parameters ---------- step : `float` Step-size parameter, the most important parameter of the solver. Whenever possible, this can be automatically tuned as ``step = 1 / model.get_lip_max()``. Otherwise, use a try-an-improve approach tol : `float`, default=1e-10 The tolerance of the solver (iterations stop when the stopping criterion is below it) max_iter : `int`, default=10 Maximum number of iterations of the solver, namely maximum number of epochs (by default full pass over the data, unless ``epoch_size`` has been modified from default) verbose : `bool`, default=True If `True`, solver verboses history, otherwise nothing is displayed, but history is recorded anyway seed : `int`, default=-1 The seed of the random sampling. If it is negative then a random seed (different at each run) will be chosen. epoch_size : `int`, default given by model Epoch size, by default, this is automatically tuned using information from the model object passed through ``set_model``. rand_type : {'unif', 'perm'}, default='unif' How samples are randomly selected from the data * if ``'unif'`` samples are uniformly drawn among all possibilities * if ``'perm'`` a random permutation of all possibilities is generated and samples are sequentially taken from it. Once all of them have been taken, a new random permutation is generated print_every : `int`, default=1 Print history information every time the iteration number is a multiple of ``print_every``. Used only is ``verbose`` is True record_every : `int`, default=1 Save history information every time the iteration number is a multiple of ``record_every`` n_threads : `int`, default=1 Number of threads to use for parallel optimization. The strategy used for this is asynchronous updates of the iterates. Attributes ---------- model : `Model` The model used by the solver, passed with the ``set_model`` method prox : `Prox` Proximal operator used by the solver, passed with the ``set_prox`` method solution : `numpy.array`, shape=(n_coeffs,) Minimizer found by the solver history : `dict`-like A dict-type of object that contains history of the solver along iterations. It should be accessed using the ``get_history`` method time_start : `str` Start date of the call to ``solve()`` time_elapsed : `float` Duration of the call to ``solve()``, in seconds time_end : `str` End date of the call to ``solve()`` dtype : `{'float64', 'float32'}`, default='float64' Type of the arrays used. This value is set from model and prox dtypes. References ---------- * A. Defazio, F. Bach, S. Lacoste-Julien, SAGA: A fast incremental gradient method with support for non-strongly convex composite objectives, NIPS 2014 * R. Leblond, F. Pedregosa, and S. Lacoste-Julien: Asaga: Asynchronous Parallel Saga, (AISTATS) 2017 """ _attrinfos = {"n_threads": {"writable": False}}
[docs] def __init__(self, step: float = None, epoch_size: int = None, rand_type: str = "unif", tol: float = 0., max_iter: int = 100, verbose: bool = True, print_every: int = 10, record_every: int = 1, seed: int = -1, n_threads: int = 1): self.n_threads = n_threads SolverFirstOrderSto.__init__(self, step, epoch_size, rand_type, tol, max_iter, verbose, print_every, record_every, seed=seed)
[docs] def set_model(self, model: ModelGeneralizedLinear): """Set model in the solver Parameters ---------- model : `ModelGeneralizedLinear` Sets the model in the solver. The model gives the first order information about the model (loss, gradient, among other things). SAGA only accepts childs of `ModelGeneralizedLinear` Returns ------- output : `Solver` The `Solver` with given model """ if not isinstance(model, ModelGeneralizedLinear): raise ValueError("SAGA accepts only childs of " "`ModelGeneralizedLinear`") if hasattr(model, "n_threads"): model.n_threads = self.n_threads return SolverFirstOrderSto.set_model(self, model)
def _set_cpp_solver(self, dtype_or_object_with_dtype): # Construct the wrapped C++ SAGA solver step = self.step if step is None: step = 0. epoch_size = self.epoch_size if epoch_size is None: epoch_size = 0 self.dtype = self._extract_dtype(dtype_or_object_with_dtype) if self.n_threads == 1: solver_class = self._get_typed_class(dtype_or_object_with_dtype, dtype_class_mapper) self._set( '_solver', solver_class(epoch_size, self.tol, self._rand_type, step, self.record_every, self.seed)) else: solver_class = self._get_typed_class(dtype_or_object_with_dtype, dtype_atomic_mapper) self._set( '_solver', solver_class(epoch_size, self.tol, self._rand_type, step, self.record_every, self.seed, self.n_threads))