Source code for tick.linear_model.model_smoothed_hinge

# License: BSD 3 clause

import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import svd
from tick.base_model import ModelGeneralizedLinear, ModelFirstOrder, \
from .build.linear_model import ModelSmoothedHingeDouble as _ModelSmoothedHingeDouble
from .build.linear_model import ModelSmoothedHingeFloat as _ModelSmoothedHingeFloat

__author__ = 'Stephane Gaiffas'

dtype_map = {
    np.dtype('float64'): _ModelSmoothedHingeDouble,
    np.dtype('float32'): _ModelSmoothedHingeFloat

[docs]class ModelSmoothedHinge(ModelFirstOrder, ModelGeneralizedLinear, ModelLipschitz): """Smoothed hinge loss model for binary classification. This class gives first order information (gradient and loss) for this model and can be passed to any solver through the solver's ``set_model`` method. Given training data :math:`(x_i, y_i) \\in \\mathbb R^d \\times \\{ -1, 1 \\}` for :math:`i=1, \\ldots, n`, this model considers a goodness-of-fit .. math:: f(w, b) = \\frac 1n \\sum_{i=1}^n \\ell(y_i, b + x_i^\\top w), where :math:`w \\in \\mathbb R^d` is a vector containing the model-weights, :math:`b \\in \\mathbb R` is the intercept (used only whenever ``fit_intercept=True``) and :math:`\\ell : \\mathbb R^2 \\rightarrow \\mathbb R` is the loss given by .. math:: \\ell(y, y') = \\begin{cases} 1 - y y' - \\frac \\delta 2 &\\text{ if } y y' \\leq 1 - \\delta \\\\ \\frac{(1 - y y')^2}{2 \\delta} &\\text{ if } 1 - \\delta < y y' < 1 \\\\ 0 &\\text{ if } y y' \\geq 1 \\end{cases} for :math:`y \in \{ -1, 1\}` and :math:`y' \in \mathbb R`, where :math:`\delta \in (0, 1)` can be tuned using the ``smoothness`` parameter. Note that :math:`\delta = 0` corresponds to the hinge loss. Data is passed to this model through the ``fit(X, y)`` method where X is the features matrix (dense or sparse) and y is the vector of labels. Parameters ---------- fit_intercept : `bool` If `True`, the model uses an intercept smoothness : `double`, default=1. The smoothness parameter used in the loss. It should be > 0 and <= 1 Note that smoothness=0 corresponds to the Hinge loss. n_threads : `int`, default=1 (read-only) Number of threads used for parallel computation. * if ``int <= 0``: the number of threads available on the CPU * otherwise the desired number of threads Attributes ---------- features : {`numpy.ndarray`, `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`}, shape=(n_samples, n_features) The features matrix, either dense or sparse labels : `numpy.ndarray`, shape=(n_samples,) (read-only) The labels vector n_samples : `int` (read-only) Number of samples n_features : `int` (read-only) Number of features n_coeffs : `int` (read-only) Total number of coefficients of the model dtype : `{'float64', 'float32'}`, default='float64' Type of the data arrays used. """ _attrinfos = { "smoothness": { "writable": True, "cpp_setter": "set_smoothness" } }
[docs] def __init__(self, fit_intercept: bool = True, smoothness: float = 1., n_threads: int = 1): ModelFirstOrder.__init__(self) ModelGeneralizedLinear.__init__(self, fit_intercept) ModelLipschitz.__init__(self) self.n_threads = n_threads self.smoothness = smoothness
# TODO: implement _set_data and not fit
[docs] def fit(self, features, labels): """Set the data into the model object Parameters ---------- features : {`numpy.ndarray`, `scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`}, shape=(n_samples, n_features) The features matrix, either dense or sparse labels : `numpy.ndarray`, shape=(n_samples,) The labels vector Returns ------- output : `ModelSmoothedHinge` The current instance with given data """, features, labels), features, labels), features, labels) self._set("_model", self._build_cpp_model(features.dtype)) return self
def _grad(self, coeffs: np.ndarray, out: np.ndarray) -> None: self._model.grad(coeffs, out) def _loss(self, coeffs: np.ndarray) -> float: return self._model.loss(coeffs) def _get_lip_best(self): # TODO: Use sklearn.decomposition.TruncatedSVD instead? s = svd(self.features, full_matrices=False, compute_uv=False)[0] ** 2 if self.fit_intercept: return (s + 1) / (self.smoothness * self.n_samples) else: return s / (self.smoothness * self.n_samples) def _build_cpp_model(self, dtype_or_object_with_dtype): model_class = self._get_typed_class(dtype_or_object_with_dtype, dtype_map) return model_class(self.features, self.labels, self.fit_intercept, self.smoothness, self.n_threads)