Source code for tick.plot.plot_history

# License: BSD 3 clause

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from tick.base.learner import LearnerOptim
from tick.plot.plot_utilities import get_plot_color
from tick.solver.base import Solver

def extract_history(solvers, x, y, given_labels):
    x_arrays = []
    y_arrays = []
    labels = []
    for i, solver in enumerate(solvers):
        if isinstance(solver, LearnerOptim):
            history = solver._solver_obj.history
            label =
        elif isinstance(solver, Solver):
            history = solver.history
            label =
            raise ValueError('%s has no history' % solver.__class__.__name__)

        # if label was given we override it
        if given_labels is not None and i < len(given_labels):
            label = given_labels[i]

        if x not in history.values.keys():
            raise ValueError("%s has no history for %s" % (label, x))

        elif y not in history.values.keys():
            raise ValueError("%s has no history for %s" % (label, y))

    return x_arrays, y_arrays, labels

[docs]def plot_history(solvers, x='n_iter', y='obj', labels=None, show=True, log_scale: bool = False, dist_min: bool = False, rendering: str = 'matplotlib', ax=None): """Plot the history of convergence of learners or solvers. It is used to compare easily their convergence performance. Parameters ---------- solvers : `list` of `object` with and history to plot, namely solvers (children of `tick.solver.base.Solver`) or learners (children of `tick.hawkes.inference.base.LearnerOptim`) x : `str`, default='n_iter' - if 'n_iter' : iteration number - if 'time' : computation time y : `str`, default='obj' - if 'obj' : the objective (value of the function minimized). Other choices are possible, any of those present in the history labels : `list` of `str`, default=None Label of each solver in the legend. If set to None then the class name of each solver will be used. show : `bool`, default=`True` if `True`, show the plot. Otherwise an explicit call to the show function is necessary. Useful when superposing several plots. log_scale : `bool`, default=`False` If `True`, then y-axis is on a log-scale dist_min : `bool`, default=`False` If `True`, plot the difference between `y` of each solver and the minimal `y` of all solvers. This is useful when comparing solvers on a logarithmic scale, to illustrate linear convergence of algorithms rendering : {'matplotlib', 'bokeh'}, default='matplotlib' Rendering library. 'bokeh' might fail if the module is not installed. ax : `list` of `matplotlib.axes`, default=None If not None, the figure will be plot on this axis and show will be set to False. Used only with matplotlib """ x_arrays, y_arrays, labels = extract_history(solvers, x, y, labels) if dist_min: min_y = np.min(np.hstack(y_arrays)) y_arrays = [y_array - min_y for y_array in y_arrays] min_x, max_x = np.min(np.hstack(x_arrays)), np.max(np.hstack(x_arrays)) min_y, max_y = np.min(np.hstack(y_arrays)), np.max(np.hstack(y_arrays)) # We want to ensure theses plots starts at 0 if x in ['time', 'n_iter']: min_x = 0 if rendering == 'matplotlib': if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 4)) else: show = False for i, (solver, x_array, y_array, label) in enumerate( zip(solvers, x_arrays, y_arrays, labels)): color = get_plot_color(i) ax.plot(x_array, y_array, lw=3, label=label, color=color) if log_scale: ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlabel(x, fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel(y, fontsize=16) ax.set_xlim([min_x, max_x]) ax.set_ylim([min_y, max_y]) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=12) ax.legend() if show is True: return ax.figure elif rendering == 'bokeh': mins = (min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y) return plot_bokeh_history(solvers, x, y, x_arrays, y_arrays, mins, labels, log_scale, show) else: raise ValueError("Unknown rendering type. Expected 'matplotlib' or " "'bokeh', received %s" % rendering)
def plot_bokeh_history(solvers, x, y, x_arrays, y_arrays, mins, legends, log_scale, show): import bokeh.plotting as bk min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = mins if log_scale: # Bokeh has a weird behaviour when using logscale with 0 entries... # We use the difference between smallest value of second small # to set the range of y all_ys = np.hstack(y_arrays) y_range_min = np.min(all_ys[all_ys != 0]) if y_range_min < 0: raise ValueError("Cannot plot negative values on a log scale") fig = bk.Figure(plot_height=300, y_axis_type="log", y_range=[y_range_min, max_y]) else: fig = bk.Figure(plot_height=300, x_range=[min_x, max_x], y_range=[min_y, max_y]) for i, (solver, x_array, y_array, legend) in enumerate( zip(solvers, x_arrays, y_arrays, legends)): color = get_plot_color(i) fig.line(x_array, y_array, line_width=3, legend=legend, color=color) fig.xaxis.axis_label = x fig.yaxis.axis_label = y fig.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "12pt" fig.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "12pt" if show: return None else: return fig