Source code for tick.plot.plot_point_processes

# License: BSD 3 clause

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

[docs]def plot_point_process(point_process, plot_intensity=None, n_points=10000, plot_nodes=None, node_names=None, t_min=None, t_max=None, max_jumps=None, show=True, ax=None): """Plot point process realization Parameters ---------- point_process : `SimuPointProcess` Point process that will be plotted plot_intensity : `bool`, default=`None` Flag saying if intensity should be plotted. If `None`, intensity will be plotted if it has been tracked. n_points : `int`, default=10000 Number of points used for intensity plot. plot_nodes : `list` of `int`, default=`None` List of nodes that will be plotted. If `None`, all nodes are considered node_names : `list` of `str`, default=`None` List of node names. If `None`, node indices are used. t_min : `float`, default=`None` If not `None`, time at which plot will start t_max : `float`, default=`None` If not `None`, time at which plot will stop max_jumps : `int`, default=`None` If not `None`, maximum of jumps per coordinate that will be plotted. This is useful when plotting big point processes to ensure a only readable part of them will be plotted show : `bool`, default=`True` if `True`, show the plot. Otherwise an explicit call to the show function is necessary. Useful when superposing several plots. ax : `list` of `matplotlib.axes`, default=None If not None, the figure will be plot on this axis and show will be set to False. """ if plot_nodes is None: plot_nodes = range(point_process.n_nodes) if node_names is None: node_names = list(map(lambda n: 'ticks #{}'.format(n), plot_nodes)) elif len(node_names) != len(plot_nodes): ValueError('node_names must be a list of length {} but has length {}' .format(len(plot_nodes), len(node_names))) labels = [] for name, node in zip(node_names, plot_nodes): label = name if t_min is not None or t_max is not None: if t_min is None: label_t_min = '0' else: label_t_min = '{:.3g}'.format(t_min) if t_max is None: label_t_max = '{:.3g}'.format(point_process.simulation_time) else: label_t_max = '{:.3g}'.format(t_max) label += ', $t \in [{}, {}]$'.format(label_t_min, label_t_max) if max_jumps is not None: label += ', max jumps={}'.format(max_jumps) labels += [label] if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots( len(plot_nodes), 1, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(12, 4 * len(plot_nodes))) else: show = False if len(plot_nodes) == 1: ax = [ax] if plot_intensity is None: plot_intensity = point_process.is_intensity_tracked() timestamps = point_process.timestamps if plot_intensity: intensity_times = point_process.intensity_tracked_times intensities = point_process.tracked_intensity else: intensity_times, intensities = None, None timestamps, intensity_times, intensities = _extract_process_interval( plot_nodes, point_process.end_time, timestamps, intensity_times=intensity_times, intensities=intensities, t_min=t_min, t_max=t_max, max_jumps=max_jumps) for count, i in enumerate(plot_nodes): if not plot_intensity: _plot_tick_bars(timestamps[i], ax[count], labels[count]) else: _plot_tick_intensity(timestamps[i], intensity_times, intensities[i], ax[count], labels[count], n_points) ax[-1].set_xlabel(r'$t$', fontsize=18) if show is True: return ax[0].figure
def _plot_tick_bars(timestamps_i, ax, label): for t in timestamps_i: ax.axvline(x=t) ax.set_title(label, fontsize=20) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) def _plot_tick_intensity(timestamps_i, intensity_times, intensity_i, ax, label, n_points): x_intensity = np.linspace(intensity_times.min(), intensity_times.max(), n_points) y_intensity = np.interp(x_intensity, intensity_times, intensity_i, left=0) ax.plot(x_intensity, y_intensity) x_ticks = timestamps_i y_ticks = np.interp(x_ticks, intensity_times, intensity_i) ax.scatter(x_ticks, y_ticks) ax.set_title(label) def _extract_process_interval(plot_nodes, end_time, timestamps, intensities=None, intensity_times=None, t_min=None, t_max=None, max_jumps=None): t_min_is_specified = t_min is not None if not t_min_is_specified: t_min = 0 t_max_is_specified = t_max is not None if not t_max_is_specified: t_max = end_time if t_min >= end_time: raise ValueError('`t_min` should be smaller than `end_time`') if t_max <= 0: raise ValueError('`t_max` should be positive') if max_jumps is not None: # if neither t_min or t_ax is given, we act as if t_min=0 was given if t_min_is_specified or not t_max_is_specified: for i in plot_nodes: timestamps_i = timestamps[i] i_t_min = np.searchsorted(timestamps_i, t_min, side="left") # This might happen if max_points = 0 last_index = i_t_min + max_jumps - 1 if last_index < 0: t_max = 0 elif last_index < len(timestamps_i) \ and timestamps_i[last_index] < t_max: t_max = timestamps_i[last_index] elif t_max_is_specified: for i in plot_nodes: timestamps_i = timestamps[i] i_t_max = np.searchsorted(timestamps_i, t_max, side="left") # This might happen if max_points = 0 first_index = i_t_max - max_jumps if first_index >= len(timestamps_i) - 1: t_min = end_time elif first_index >= 0 and timestamps_i[first_index] > t_min: t_min = timestamps_i[first_index] extracted_timestamps = [ timestamps_i[(timestamps_i >= t_min) & (timestamps_i <= t_max)] for timestamps_i in timestamps ] if intensity_times is not None: intensity_extracted_points = (intensity_times >= t_min) \ & (intensity_times <= t_max) extracted_intensity_times = intensity_times[intensity_extracted_points] extracted_intensity = [ intensity[intensity_extracted_points] for intensity in intensities ] else: extracted_intensity_times, extracted_intensity = None, None return extracted_timestamps, extracted_intensity_times, extracted_intensity