
class tick.hawkes.HawkesCumulantMatching(integration_support, C=1000.0, penalty='none', solver='adam', step=0.01, tol=1e-08, max_iter=1000, verbose=False, print_every=100, record_every=10, solver_kwargs=None, cs_ratio=None, elastic_net_ratio=0.95)[source]

This class is used for performing non parametric estimation of multi-dimensional Hawkes processes based cumulant matching.

It does not make any assumptions on the kernel shape and recovers the kernel norms only.

This class relies on Tensorflow to perform the matching of the cumulants. If Tensorflow is not installed, it will not work.


integration_support : float

Controls the maximal lag (positive or negative) upon which we integrate the cumulant densities (covariance and skewness), this amounts to neglect border effects. In practice, this is a good approximation if the support of the kernels is smaller than integration support and if the spectral norm of the kernel norms is sufficiently distant from the critical value, namely 1. It denoted by \(H\) in the paper.

C : float, default=1e3

Level of penalization

penalty : {‘l1’, ‘l2’, ‘elasticnet’, ‘none’}, default=’none’

The penalization to use. By default no penalization is used. Penalty is only applied to adjacency matrix.

solver : {‘momentum’, ‘adam’, ‘adagrad’, ‘rmsprop’, ‘adadelta’, ‘gd’}, default=’adam’

Name of tensorflow solver that will be used.

step : float, default=1e-2

Initial step size used for learning. Also known as learning rate.

tol : float, default=1e-8

The tolerance of the solver (iterations stop when the stopping criterion is below it). If not reached the solver does max_iter iterations

max_iter : int, default=1000

Maximum number of iterations of the solver

verbose : bool, default=False

If True, we verbose things, otherwise the solver does not print anything (but records information in history anyway)

print_every : int, default=100

Print history information when n_iter (iteration number) is a multiple of print_every

record_every : int, default=10

Record history information when n_iter (iteration number) is a multiple of record_every

elastic_net_ratio : float, default=0.95

Ratio of elastic net mixing parameter with 0 <= ratio <= 1.

  • For ratio = 0 this is ridge (L2 squared) regularization.

  • For ratio = 1 this is lasso (L1) regularization.

  • For 0 < ratio < 1, the regularization is a linear combination of L1 and L2.

Used in ‘elasticnet’ penalty

solver_kwargs : dict, default=`None`

Extra arguments that will be passed to tensorflow solver


n_nodes : int

Number of nodes / components in the Hawkes model

baseline : np.array, shape=(n_nodes,)

Inferred baseline of each component’s intensity

adjacency : np.ndarray, shape=(n_nodes, n_nodes)

Inferred adjacency matrix

mean_intensity : list of np.array shape=(n_nodes,)

Estimated mean intensities, named \(\widehat{L}\) in the paper

covariance : list of np.array shape=(n_nodes,n_nodes)

Estimated integrated covariance, named \(\widehat{C}\) in the paper

skewness : list of np.array shape=(n_nodes,n_nodes)

Estimated integrated skewness (sliced), named \(\widehat{K^c}\) in the paper

R : np.array shape=(n_nodes,n_nodes)

Estimated weight, linked to the integrals of Hawkes kernels. Use to derive adjacency and baseline


Achab, M., Bacry, E., Gaïffas, S., Mastromatteo, I., & Muzy, J. F. (2017, July). Uncovering causality from multivariate Hawkes integrated cumulants. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 1-10).

__init__(integration_support, C=1000.0, penalty='none', solver='adam', step=0.01, tol=1e-08, max_iter=1000, verbose=False, print_every=100, record_every=10, solver_kwargs=None, cs_ratio=None, elastic_net_ratio=0.95)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Heuristic to set covariance skewness ratio close to its optimal value


Compute estimated mean intensity, covariance and sliced skewness


force : bool

If True previously computed cumulants are not reused

fit(events, end_times=None, adjacency_start=None, R_start=None)[source]

Fit the model according to the given training data.


events : list of list of np.ndarray

List of Hawkes processes realizations. Each realization of the Hawkes process is a list of n_node for each component of the Hawkes. Namely events[i][j] contains a one-dimensional numpy.array of the events’ timestamps of component j of realization i. If only one realization is given, it will be wrapped into a list

end_times : np.ndarray or float, default = None

List of end time of all hawkes processes that will be given to the model. If None, it will be set to each realization’s latest time. If only one realization is provided, then a float can be given.

adjacency_start : str or np.ndarray, shape=(n_nodes + n_nodes * n_nodes,), default=`None

Initial guess for the adjacency matrix. Will be used as starting point in optimization. If None and R_start is also None, a default starting point is estimated from the estimated cumulants If "random", a starting point is estimated from estimated cumulants with a bit a randomness

R_start : np.ndarray, shape=(n_nodes, n_nodes), default=None

R variable at which we start optimization. Superseded by adjacency_start if adjacency_start is not None


Returns history of the solver


key : str, default=None

  • If None all history is returned as a dict

  • If str, name of the history element to retrieve


output : list or dict

  • If key is None or key is not in history then output is a dict containing history of all keys

  • If key is the name of an element in the history, output is a list containing the history of this element


Computes kernel norms. This makes our learner compliant with tick.plot.plot_hawkes_kernel_norms API


norms : np.ndarray, shape=(n_nodes, n_nodes)

2d array in which each entry i, j corresponds to the norm of kernel i, j

objective(adjacency=None, R=None)[source]

Compute objective value for a given adjacency or variable R


adjacency : np.ndarray, shape=(n_nodes, n_nodes), default=None

Adjacency matrix at which we compute objective. If None, objective will be computed at R

R : np.ndarray, shape=(n_nodes, n_nodes), default=None

R variable at which objective is computed. Superseded by adjacency if adjacency is not None


Value of objective function :


Heuristic to find a starting point candidate


random : bool

Use a random orthogonal matrix instead of identity


startint_point : np.ndarray, shape=(n_nodes, n_nodes)

A starting point candidate

Examples using tick.hawkes.HawkesCumulantMatching