
class tick.linear_model.PoissonRegression(step=0.001, fit_intercept=True, penalty='l2', C=1000.0, tol=1e-05, max_iter=100, solver='svrg', verbose=False, warm_start=False, print_every=10, record_every=1, elastic_net_ratio=0.95, random_state=None, blocks_start=None, blocks_length=None)[source]

Poisson regression learner, with exponential link function. It supports several solvers and several penalizations. Note that for this model, there is no way to tune automatically the step of the solver. Thus, the default for step might work, or not, so that several values should be tried out.


step : float, default=1e-3

Step-size to be used for the solver. For Poisson regression there is no way to tune it automatically. The default tuning might work, or not…

C : float, default=1e3

Level of penalization

penalty : {‘l1’, ‘l2’, ‘elasticnet’, ‘tv’}, default=’l2’

The penalization to use. Default is ridge penalization

solver : {‘gd’, ‘agd’, ‘bfgs’, ‘svrg’, ‘sgd’}, default=’svrg’

The name of the solver to use

fit_intercept : bool, default=True

If True, include an intercept in the model

warm_start : bool, default=False

If true, learning will start from the last reached solution

tol : float, default=1e-6

The tolerance of the solver (iterations stop when the stopping criterion is below it). By default the solver does max_iter iterations

max_iter : int, default=100

Maximum number of iterations of the solver

verbose : bool, default=False

If True, we verbose things, otherwise the solver does not print anything (but records information in history anyway)

print_every : int, default=10

Print history information when n_iter (iteration number) is a multiple of print_every

record_every : int, default=1

Record history information when n_iter (iteration number) is a multiple of record_every


weights : numpy.array, shape=(n_features,)

The learned weights of the model (not including the intercept)

intercept : float or None

The intercept, if fit_intercept=True, otherwise None

__init__(step=0.001, fit_intercept=True, penalty='l2', C=1000.0, tol=1e-05, max_iter=100, solver='svrg', verbose=False, warm_start=False, print_every=10, record_every=1, elastic_net_ratio=0.95, random_state=None, blocks_start=None, blocks_length=None)

Decision function for given samples. This is simply given by the predicted means of each sample. Predicted mean in this model for a features vector x is simply given by exp(x.dot(weights) + intercept)


X : np.ndarray or scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, shape=(n_samples, n_features)

Features matrix


output : np.array, shape=(n_samples,)

Value of the decision function of each sample points

fit(X: object, y: numpy.array)[source]

Fit the model according to the given training data.


X : np.ndarray or scipy.sparse.csr_matrix,, shape=(n_samples, n_features)

Training vector, where n_samples in the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

y : np.array, shape=(n_samples,)

Target vector relative to X.


self : PoissonRegression

The fitted instance of the model


Get parameters for this estimator.


params : dict

Parameter names mapped to their values.

loglik(X, y)[source]

Compute the minus log-likelihood of the model, using the given features matrix and labels, with the intercept and model weights currently fitted in the object. Minus log-likelihood is computed, so that smaller is better.


X : np.ndarray or scipy.sparse.csr_matrix,, shape=(n_samples, n_features)

Features matrix

y : np.array, shape=(n_samples,)

Labels vector relative to X


output : float

Value of the minus log-likelihood


Predict label for given samples


X : np.ndarray or scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, shape=(n_samples, n_features)

Features matrix


output : np.array, shape=(n_samples,)

Returns predicted labels


Set the parameters for this learner.


**kwargs : :

Named arguments to update in the learner


output : LearnerGLM

self with updated parameters

Examples using tick.linear_model.PoissonRegression