
class tick.prox.ProxBinarsity(strength: float, blocks_start, blocks_length, range: tuple = None, positive: bool = False)[source]

Proximal operator of binarsity. It is simply a succession of two steps on different intervals: ProxTV plus a centering translation. More precisely, total-variation regularization is applied on a coefficient vector being a concatenation of multiple coefficient vectors corresponding to blocks, followed by centering within sub-blocks. Blocks (non-overlapping) are specified by the blocks_start and blocks_length parameters.


strength : float

Level of total-variation penalization

blocks_start : np.array, shape=(n_blocks,)

First entry of each block

blocks_length : np.array, shape=(n_blocks,)

Size of each block

range : tuple of two int, default=`None`

Range on which the prox is applied. If None then the prox is applied on the whole vector

positive : bool, default=`False`

If True, apply in the end a projection onto the set of vectors with non-negative entries


n_blocks : int

Number of blocks

dtype : {'float64', 'float32'}

Type of the arrays used.


ProxBinarsity uses the fast-TV algorithm described in:

Condat, L. (2012). A Direct Algorithm for 1D Total Variation Denoising.

__init__(strength: float, blocks_start, blocks_length, range: tuple = None, positive: bool = False)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

call(coeffs, step=1.0, out=None)

Apply proximal operator on a vector. It computes:

\[argmin_x \big( f(x) + \frac{1}{2} \|x - v\|_2^2 \big)\]

coeffs : numpy.ndarray, shape=(n_coeffs,)

Input vector on which is applied the proximal operator

step : float or np.array, default=1.

The amount of penalization is multiplied by this amount

  • If float, the amount of penalization is multiplied by this amount

  • If np.array, then each coordinate of coeffs (within the given range), receives an amount of penalization multiplied by t (available only for separable prox)

out : numpy.ndarray, shape=(n_params,), default=None

If not None, the output is stored in the given out. Otherwise, a new vector is created.


output : numpy.ndarray, shape=(n_coeffs,)

Same object as out


step must have the same size as coeffs whenever range is None, or a size matching the one given by the range otherwise

value(coeffs: numpy.ndarray)

Returns the value of the penalization at coeffs


coeffs : numpy.array, shape=(n_coeffs,)

The value of the penalization is computed at this point


output : float

Value of the penalization at coeffs

Examples using tick.prox.ProxBinarsity