
tick.simulation.features_normal_cov_toeplitz(n_samples: int = 200, n_features: int = 30, cov_corr: float = 0.5, dtype='float64')[source]

Normal features generator with toeplitz covariance

An example of features obtained as samples of a centered Gaussian vector with a toeplitz covariance matrix


n_samples : int, default=200

Number of samples

n_features : int, default=30

Number of features

cov_corr : float, default=0.5

correlation coefficient of the Toeplitz correlation matrix

dtype : {'float64', 'float32'}, default=’float64’

Type of the arrays used.


output : numpy.ndarray, shape=(n_samples, n_features)

n_samples realization of a Gaussian vector with the described covariance

Examples using tick.simulation.features_normal_cov_toeplitz