
class tick.hawkes.HawkesConditionalLaw(delta_lag=0.1, min_lag=0.0001, max_lag=40, n_quad=50, max_support=40, min_support=0.0001, quad_method='gauss', marked_components=None, delayed_component=None, delay=1e-05, model=None, n_threads=1, claw_method='lin')[source]

This class is used for performing non parametric estimation of multi-dimensional marked Hawkes processes based on conditional laws.

Marked Hawkes processes are point processes defined by the intensity:

\[\forall i \in [1 \dots D], \quad \lambda_i = \mu_i + \sum_{j=1}^D \int \phi_{ij} * f_{ij}(v_j) dN_j\]


  • \(D\) is the number of nodes

  • \(\mu_i\) are the baseline intensities

  • \(\phi_{ij}\) are the kernels

  • \(v_j\) are the marks (considered iid) of the process \(N_j\)

  • \(f_{ij}\) the mark functions supposed to be piece-wise constant on intervals \(I^j(l)\)

The estimation is made from empirical computations of

\[\lim_{\epsilon \rightarrow 0} E [ (N_i[t + lag + \delta + \epsilon] - \Lambda[t + lag + \epsilon]) | N_j[t]=1 \quad \& \quad v_j(t) \in I^j(l) ]\]

For all the possible values of \(i\), \(i\) and \(l\). The \(lag\) is sampled on a uniform grid defined by \(\delta\): \(lag = n * \delta\).

Estimation can be performed using several realizations.


claw_method : {‘lin’, ‘log’}, default=’lin’

Specifies the way the conditional laws are sampled. It can be either:

  • ‘lin’ : sampling is linear on [0, max_lag] using sampling period delta_lag

  • ‘log’ : sampling is semi-log. It uses linear sampling on [0, min_lag] with sampling period delta_lag and log sampling on [min_lag, max_lag] using \(\exp(\delta)\) sampling period.

delta_lag : float, default=0.1

See claw_methods

min_lag : float, default=1e-4

See claw_methods

max_lag : float, default=40

See claw_methods

quad_method : {‘gauss’, ‘lin’, ‘log’}, default=gauss

Sampling used for quadrature

  • ‘gauss’ for gaussian quadrature

  • ‘lin’ for linear quadrature

  • ‘log’ for log quadrature

min_support : float, default=1e-4

Start value of kernel estimation. It is used for ‘log’ quadrature method only, otherwise it is set to 0.

max_support : float, default=40

End value of kernel estimation

n_quad : int

The number of quadrature points between [min_support, max_support] used for solving the system. Be aware that the complexity increase as this number squared.

n_threads : int, default=1

Number of threads used for parallel computation.

  • if int <= 0: the number of physical cores available on the CPU

  • otherwise the desired number of threads


n_nodes : int

Number of nodes of the estimated Hawkes process

n_realizations : int

Number of given realizations

baseline : np.ndarray, shape=(n_nodes,)

Estimation of the baseline

kernels_norms : np.ndarray, shape=(n_nodes, n_nodes)

L1 norm matrix of the kernel norms

kernels : list of list

Kernel’s estimation on the quadrature points

mean_intensity : list of float

The estimated mean intensity

symmetries1d : list of 2-tuple

List of component index pairs for imposing symmetries on the mean intensity (e.g, [(0,1),(2,3)] means that the mean intensity of the components 0 and 1 must be the same and the mean intensity of the components 2 and 3 also Can be set using can be set using the set_model method.

symmetries2d : list of 2-tuple of 2-tuple

List of kernel coordinates pairs to impose symmetries on the kernel matrix (e.g., [[(0,0),(1,1)],[(1,0),(0,1)]] for a bidiagonal kernel in dimension 2) Can be set using can be set using the set_model method.

mark_functions : list of 2-tuple

The mark functions as a list (lexical order on i,j and l, see below)


Bacry, E., & Muzy, J. F. (2014). Second order statistics characterization of Hawkes processes and non-parametric estimation. arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.0903.

__init__(delta_lag=0.1, min_lag=0.0001, max_lag=40, n_quad=50, max_support=40, min_support=0.0001, quad_method='gauss', marked_components=None, delayed_component=None, delay=1e-05, model=None, n_threads=1, claw_method='lin')[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Computes kernel estimation by solving a Fredholm system.

fit(events: list, T=None)[source]

Fit the model according to the given training data.


events : list of list of np.ndarray

List of Hawkes processes realizations. Each realization of the Hawkes process is a list of n_node for each component of the Hawkes. Namely events[i][j] contains a one-dimensional numpy.array of the events’ timestamps of component j of realization i. If only one realization is given, it will be wrapped into a list

T : double, default=None

The duration (in physical time) of the realization. If it is None then T is considered to be the time of the last event (of any component).


output : HawkesConditionalLaw

The current instance of the Learner


Computes kernel norms. This makes our learner compliant with tick.plot.plot_hawkes_kernel_norms API


norms : np.ndarray, shape=(n_nodes, n_nodes)

2d array in which each entry i, j corresponds to the norm of kernel i, j


Computes kernel support. This makes our learner compliant with tick.plot.plot_hawkes_kernels API


output : np.ndarray, shape=(n_nodes, n_nodes)

2d array in which each entry i, j corresponds to the support of kernel i, j

get_kernel_values(i, j, abscissa_array)[source]

Computes value of the specified kernel on given time values. This makes our learner compliant with tick.plot.plot_hawkes_kernels API


i : int

First index of the kernel

j : int

Second index of the kernel

abscissa_array : np.ndarray, shape=(n_points, )

1d array containing all the times at which this kernel will computes it value


output : np.ndarray, shape=(n_points, )

1d array containing the values of the specified kernels at the given times.

incremental_fit(realization, T=None, compute=True)[source]

Allows to add some more realizations before estimation is performed.

It updates the conditional laws (stored in self._claw and self._claw1) and of the mean intensity (in self._mean_intensity).


realization : list of np.narrays or list of 2-tuple of np.arrays

  • list of np.narrays, shape=(N) , representing the arrival times of each component

  • list of pairs (t,m) np.arrays representing the arrival times of each component (x) and the cumulative marks signal (m)

T : double, default=None

The duration (in physical time) of the realization. If it is -1 then T is considered to be the time of the last event (of any component).

compute : bool, default=`False`

Computes kernel estimation. If set to False, you will have to manually call compute method afterwards. This is useful to add multiple realizations and compute only once all conditional laws have been updated.

set_model(symmetries1d=[], symmetries2d=[], delayed_component=None)[source]

Set the model to be used.


symmetries1d : list of 2-tuple

List of component index pairs for imposing symmetries on the mean intensity (e.g, [(0,1),(2,3)] means that the mean intensity of the components 0 and 1 must be the same and the mean intensity of the components 2 and 3 also. Can be set using can be set using the set_model method.

symmetries2d : list of 2-tuple of 2-tuple

List of kernel coordinates pairs to impose symmetries on the kernel matrix (e.g., [[(0,0),(1,1)],[(1,0),(0,1)]] for a bidiagonal kernel in dimension 2) Can be set using can be set using the set_model method.

delayed_component : list of int, shape=(N, ), default=`None`

list of node indices corresponding to node that should be delayed (to avoid simultaneous jumps of different components which can be a problem in the estimation)

If no model is specified then default values for these fields are used :


We set the symmetries, the kernel names and delayed components for first realization only

Examples using tick.hawkes.HawkesConditionalLaw