
class tick.hawkes.SimuHawkes(kernels=None, baseline=None, n_nodes=None, end_time=None, period_length=None, max_jumps=None, seed=None, verbose=True, force_simulation=False)[source]

Hawkes process simulation

They are defined by the intensity:

\[\forall i \in [1 \dots D], \quad \lambda_i(t) = \mu_i(t) + \sum_{j=1}^D \int \phi_{ij}(t - s) dN_j(s)\]


  • \(D\) is the number of nodes

  • \(\mu_i(t)\) are the baseline intensities

  • \(\phi_{ij}\) are the kernels

  • \(dN_j\) are the processes differentiates


kernels : np.ndarray, shape=(n_nodes, n_nodes)

A 2-dimensional arrays of kernels, also noted \(\phi_{ij}\)

baseline : np.ndarray or list

The baseline of all intensities, also noted \(\mu(t)\). It might be three different types:

  • np.ndarray, shape=(n_nodes,) : One baseline per node is given. Hence baseline is assumed to be constant, ie. \(\mu_i(t) = \mu_i\)

  • np.ndarray, shape=(n_nodes, n_intervals) : n_intervals baselines are given per node. This assumes parameter period_length is also given. In this case baseline is piecewise constant on intervals of size period_length / n_intervals and periodic.

  • list of tick.base.TimeFunction, shape=(n_nodes,) : One function is given per node, ie. \(\mu_i(t)\) is explicitely given.

n_nodes : int

The number of nodes of the Hawkes process. If kernels and baseline are None this will create a Hawkes process with n_nodes nodes of zero kernels and with zero baseline

end_time : float, default=None

Time until which this point process will be simulated

period_length : float, default=None

Period of baseline in piecewise constant case.

max_jumps : int, default=None

Simulation will stop if this number of jumps in reached

seed : int, default = None

The seed of the random sampling. If it is None then a random seed (different at each run) will be chosen.

force_simulation : bool, default = False

If force is not set to True, simulation won’t be run if the matrix of the L1 norm of kernels has a spectral radius greater or equal to 1 as it would be unstable


timestamps : list of np.ndarray, size=n_nodes

A list of n_nodes timestamps arrays, each array containing the timestamps of all the jumps for this node

simulation_time : float

Time until which this point process has been simulated

n_total_jumps : int

Total number of jumps simulated

tracked_intensity : list[np.ndarray], size=n_nodes

A record of the intensity with which this point process has been simulated. Note: you must call track_intensity before simulation to record it

intensity_tracked_times : np.ndarray

The times at which intensity has been recorded. Note: you must call track_intensity before simulation to record it

intensity_track_step : float

Step with which the intensity has been recorded

__init__(kernels=None, baseline=None, n_nodes=None, end_time=None, period_length=None, max_jumps=None, seed=None, verbose=True, force_simulation=False)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

get_baseline_values(i, t_values)[source]

Outputs value of baseline depending on time


i : int

Selected dimension

t_values : np.ndarray

Values baseline will be computed at


output : np.ndarray

Value of baseline i at t_values


Is intensity tracked thanks to track_intensity or not


Compute the mean intensity vector


Reset the process, so that is is ready for a brand new simulation


Launch the simulation of data


Compute the spectral radius of the matrix of l1 norm of Hawkes kernels.


If the spectral radius is greater that 1, the hawkes process is not stable


Threshold intensity to 0 if it becomes negative. This allows simulation with negative kernels


allow : bool

Flag to allow negative intensity thresholding


Activate the tracking of the intensity


intensity_track_step : float

If positive then the step the intensity vector is recorded every, otherwise, it is deactivated.


This method must be called before simulation